On the occasion of the Fête de la Science, from October 8 to 12, 2024 at Maison Minatec (Grenoble), |Hop> will be presented in workshops for school students, led by our partners at PHELIQS (University of Grenoble). These workshops offer a fun and interactive way to discover quantum physics.
Atelier |Hop> for the schools:
- Dates : 8, 10 and 11 October
- Schedule : 9h45 – 11h45, 12h45 – 14h45, 15h – 17h
- Place : Parvis des Sciences, Maison Minatec
These workshops are specially designed for high schools in the region. We invite schools to register their students to participate in 15 to 20 minute games, where they can discover the principles of quantum physics while having fun.
Register your school for this unique event as part of the Science Festival! For more information, go to the Parvis des Sciences website