
About me
My name is João Ferreira and I am finishing my doctorate in quantum physics in Geneva, Switzerland. When I’m not working on my thesis, I love to swim in Lake Geneva, exercise, and host board game nights with my friends.
How was the game born?
I started |Hop> in February 2019 after realizing that most science outreach activities in physics focus solely on experiments. Being a theorist myself, I needed a platform that I could use to explain my research and attract a younger audience to the field of theoretical quantum physics. |Hop> was born.

Educational objectives
Over time, |Hop> has evolved to become an educational tool for high school teachers. The game aims to introduce important concepts in quantum and statistical physics without the heavy math behind them. It’s not a complete encyclopedia but a set of individual elements that can be combined according to the teacher’s needs.
They support the project
Many thanks to them!